Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Race # 36

Following in the footsteps of the Powder Puffers

It's getting more and more real. Only 102 days left to the start! Last month we got our race number assigned and it is #36. Sounds like a lucky number to me! There are 52 teams already signed up with 3 more spots left. The next steps in following in the footsteps of the Powder Puffers is to complete the registration of our aircraft. We are renting a Cessna 172 with a glass cockpit for the race since unfortunately we don't have an airplane ourselves that we can compete with. It's quite the difference with what the ladies did back in 1929. When they were trying to navigate with paper charts and open cockpits. We will have the wonders of GPS and moving maps, accurate depiction of our fuel flow, autopilot etc.
We will also have to start practicing with flying together as a team. I know that some race teams are geographically so far from each other that they haven't even flown together before the start line. But we really want to practice beforehand. Last weekend we did finally get to fly together. The weather was great and timing was right and The Soaring Eagle's aircraft, the Ercoupe, was in great shape. We did a sweet little cross country flight to Harris Ranch 3O8 from Shafter Minter KMIT. Flying that vintage airplane comes with some challenges. It does not have an electrical system, so it needs to be hand propped for example. Not an easy task if you ask me. Definitely making me think of the challenges that women like Pancho Barnes and Amelia Earhart faced in those early days of aviation. In the near future we will start flying the 172 around that we will be racing, as to get comfortable in the cockpit and with the glass panel.

I've been very busy these last few weeks with sending out letters requesting sponsoring from various different companies. Unfortunately no luck so far, but I'm not giving up! In addition, I've completed the editing of our pitch video that we will use in our indiegogo crowd funding campaign that will be launched next Monday 3/16/2015. Be sure to take a look on Monday when the campaign launches and tell all your friends about us! We are trying to raise about $2000 to go to the fuel fund of the race. Every little bit helps and we are super thankful for your support. It would a great help, since with having to rent an airplane, this race is turning out to be quite the money pit haha! And don't worry, I'll be reminding you when the campaign launches!

With making our little pitch video I practiced my video editing skills and enjoyed it a lot. It's a preview for what you can expect from us during the race. I plan to document the whole journey and keep you updated with our progress.  Here's a sneak peek:

Wishing you blue skies!
~Flying Dutchess